About Renee Haley
Renee and her husband, Jack, reside in Noble, Oklahoma, with their three children. After the loss of their son was broadcasted throughout the United States and around the world, Renee has developed a passion for uplifting and encouraging others who have also experienced the heartache of losing a child or faced an unimaginable situation.
Renee and her husband have been married for twenty-three years and are the parents of Austin (forever 5), Dalton (age 18), Gabriel (age 14), and Mikayla (age 11).
Renee graduated from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. She also obtained her Master’s Degree in Public School Administration from East Central University. Renee has taught middle school English Language Arts for twenty-four years and has received her National Board Certification.
Renee Haley’s story has been published in newspapers and aired on news stations locally, nationally, and internationally with ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and PBS. Their family’s story has also been addressed on the front page of The Norman Transcript, The Oklahoman, Tulsa World, and USA Today.
Renee and her husband were interviewed on several of the news programs as well as TBN, the Trinity Broadcasting Network. It has been written for such publications as Today’s Pentecostal Evangel, ATA World Magazine, and other leading periodicals. A music composer, Chris Rogerson, wrote an award-winning orchestral piece entitled, Noble Pond, about Austin’s loss: www.chrisrogerson.com/works/noble-pond.
Over the past few years, Renee has shared Austin’s story in various churches, and many police stations across the United States use their story in the training of new officers.